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The Screamin Sam Show 03/26/13

With Dallas Diamondz, Bruce Plesser and Natalie and S.I.M.
Series: The Screamin' Sam Show - Radio
Author: Date: Thursday, 28 March 2013 Duration: 1:28:07
This week's guest was a very hot Fetish MILF, Dallas Diamondz. This was Dallas' premier appearance on The Screamin' Sam Show so when you listen get ready for some new experiences! She Had some of the best and HOTTEST stories ever told on The Show, and if you don't believe it You'll have to find out for yourself, She is Hot, Sexy, and one of Screamin' Sam's Favorites, Check it out. Thanks also go to Bruce Plesser and His Girl Natalie who while being tied up calls the show, LOL. Also to Speech Impediment Man for his call in. Another great show, NOT TO MISS AHH AHHHHH!!! Also visit:

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