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The Screamin' Sam Show in PR

In Wake Of The Writers Strike, Are Net-TV Shows The Next Big Thing?
Website Offers Viewers A Viable Alternative to Reruns

When thinking about television shows most viewers imagine lounging on the sofa each night anticipating the all new episodes of Greys Anatomy, Heroes, or the hit comedy, The Office. Until recently, the thought of a writer actually sitting down to create these shows was an afterthought, or should we say, no thought at all. Now, while the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are busy picketing for their fair share of dough, our favorite TV shows are about to relapse to reruns. And one internet startup, The TV Hub is trying to seize the moment believing this to be a golden opportunity for success.

Now, will TV viewers really turn to the internet to fill their rerun boredom? No additional fuel, or should we say rerun in this case, is needed to fire up most internet users online addiction, and the creators of The TV Hub seem to think so too. A spokesman from The TV Hub says, 'internet television is the way of the future,- and The TV Hub 'offers viewers a viable alternative to reruns that are currently airing on network television,- claims the dotcom neophyte. The website focuses mainly on Net-TV Shows. The TV Hub hopes that viewer's world wide will turn off the stale reruns, sit down at their computers and type into their keyboards.

'You will now have the opportunity to lounge and watch your computer monitor instead of the TV screen,- says The TV Hub. The TV Hub allows anyone free membership to upload or watch videos and shows from your computer. For being a dot-com startup they already have a wide variety videos and Net-TV Shows including The Screamin Sam Show, The Wasted Potentials, The Billy Mahoney Show, The Fit Show, The Joe & Jay Show and The Guys.

As shocked as some are to find out that Jon Stewart, David Letterman and Steve Carell need writers to create their material, we should now begin to wonder, what should we do next week when our favorite TV show goes to reruns? Maybe some viewers will check out The TV Hub, after all success is all about timing.


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